It’s Thursday Again

Today Jeremiah worked on brackets for the lift system. Asher informed me that he was working on stuff… Work stuff. Matthew S. was updating CAD models and the Andrews were getting the parts together for the robot. Ryan was mounting the tower box. Mike was delegating work to everyone here today.  Hannah and Moriah milled metal so a …

Work and Play Day

Tonight was actually more of a work day, several things were worked on and improved tonight. There has been quite a lot done for our chassis. There are wheels and motors on it now! Tim and Tyler were working on the frisbee shooter to make sure that our wheels don’t wobble so much to improve …

Full day Saturday

Today is another full work day for us Gears. There is still a lot of work for us to do to get our full prototype up and running. We are getting closer every day though! We didn’t have many team members come until later in the day, none the less, things still got worked on. …