Thursday, A Day For Stuff

Ryan and Jeremiah worked on the lathe. I worked on the robot trying to get the lift system to work better. Matthew worked on the new robot’s wheels. Jeremiah also worked on the mill. Michael worked on welding. Christian worked on a part for the robot’s wheels. By Asher Cougill


Tonight was an interesting evening. We didn’t have any one here to take pictures so this blog will have to be sad and lonely on it’s own tonight. We did some work done on the robot though. It now has hooks and cables that will allow it to hang on (or climb) the tower at …

Let the fun Begin!

Today was a relatively quiet night, not to many people came, but there were enough people to work on different things throughout the night. Tonight we did a lot of work on our prototype bot, it got a new motor that drives the pick up system. We put new drive gears and bands on the …