It’s Announcement Time!!!

The date for Cage Match this year is Oct 20th (which is a Saturday.) To get all the info see We will be talking more about this at our meetings and have a sign up sheet to pass around eventually. Another major announcement: What: 2012-2013 season start-up team meetingWhen: Sept. 25Time: 6-8:30Place: Morrison Mock Professional …


Just so you know all of 1720 has not just dropped off the face of the earth. We are still here, and all of us have just now come back form our summer break. (We take some time off after build season and boilermaker to enjoy the summer and to recover so that we can …

Here We Are Again

Today we worked. Well. Wait that sentence makes it sound like we don’t work, but we do. Trust me, we do. Ya know those one people? Well yeah they worked on the shooter today and now they’re practicing the feeding, shooting, and running around. See our robot is our kid. Ryan decided to call for …