We’re going to State! Our robot, Spitfire, performed very well at our district events, and we qualified for the Indiana State competition this Friday and Saturday in Huntington. Our team is currently fourth in the state, so we are more than ready for this weekend! At our first district event, our alliance made it to the quarterfinals, and at our second district event, our alliance got second place. If we qualify at State, then we’ll be able to go to Worlds in St. Louis.
Although we are able to go to the State and hopefully World competitions, building a robot and competing at events is expensive. Each competition costs around $4,000-$5,000 in registration fees alone! We also invested about $8,000 in designing, prototyping, and building our robot this year. So going to each of these competitions is very expensive. If we want to be able to seriously consider going to Worlds if we happen to qualify, we would need more money for registration. If you are interested in helping fund us we would be very appreciative of that! Here’s the link for the GoFundMe page for PhyxtGears:
We were featured in the Muncie Journal! Some of our students wrote about our team, and the newspaper decided to publish the article. It mentions our recent runner-up placement in Indianapolis as well as our multiple awards such as the Excellence in Engineering award and explains the game for this year briefly. We were very honored to be publicized by the Muncie Journal. You can read that article by clicking on the link below: