We had a great time at the IndianaFIRST robotics State Championship in Kokomo April 12-13. We started our packed weekend that Friday competing all day in qualification matches and scouting each and every team. After that we went to Heritage Lanes, a great bowling alley in Kokomo, for the team social. We talked to, bowled with, and sang with many other Indiana teams and had a great night full of bowling and pizza. After that exciting day, we were all ready to collapse into our beds and be ready for the matches on Saturday. Saturday started out with one of our mentors, Mike Koch (who has been here for 13 years), winning the State Championship Woodie Flowers Award. Woodie Flowers awards celebrate great communication in science, engineering and design by mentors. He has been an extremely influential person on the team. He has been a co-founder, mentor and a great leader of our group. He is also one of the mentors behind the BattHawk. He has definitely been a huge part of our team. After that celebration, we were ready for the alliance picks. We chose team 4926 and team 1747 to complete our all-green alliance. Our Space Walrus managed to get all the way to the finals but sadly lost in the final match. However, at the final awards ceremony, we won another award (Autonomous Award) and found out we had qualified for the world competition in Detroit! We are sincerely looking forward to our time at worlds coming up next week!