Tuesday Work Day

We just worked on our shooting and driving today. So far it is looking like the shooter design we have chosen is going to be more trouble than anything else. For some reason the balls all have different consistencies so they all shoot differently. Our next meeting is not until next Saturday. Hopefully we can …

Post Ship/Bag&Tag Day

There was not a whole lot to do tonight. Basically we just worked on getting the prototype bot in working condition. This means working on the program, fixing the sensors, making sure the turret works, and generally tweaking things. Hopefully by tomorrow we will have a drivable and otherwise fully functional robot so that we …

Clean up day

Today was largely focused around cleaning up after build season.  There were a lot of tools and other things left lying around.  Other than that, we worked on assembling the second robot for drive practice. The programmers discovered a ‘very cool fan’, while cleaning up their station.  Other than that, they too assisted with getting …

Week 6: Day 39

Tonight is our final day to work on our robot before it has to go into a sealed bag until competition. We finally got everything working and even did a little shooting practice in the gym across the street. We also fixed everything that didn’t work at the scrimmage match, hopefully everything will still work …

Week 6: Day 38

Tonight, many things we learned at the scrimmage were fixed. We adjusted the sweepers, bumpers, and shooting mechanism. We changed our driving system from tank drive to arcade drive, and added a light to our sensor so it could better see the ball when it entered the robot. RyanMechanical Team